N-Power Introduces New Scheme; N-Knowledge Program As Registration Commences
An estimated number of about less 20,000 unemployed youths are looked to stand beneficiaries of this new program which is aimed at providing the much-needed skills and certification for innovation and invention
The N-Knowledge program is scheduled to have the beneficiaries trained for 3 months, then followed by another 6 months for apprenticeship, after which as promised by the organising body that beneficiaries would be awarded their certificates and attestations.
The beneficiaries will be introduced to different schedules that will definitely make them more informed and ready for the global competitions in the global market. Interpersonal skills and talents by these beneficiaries shall be harnessed to attaining their full capabilities and this is important because the beneficiaries will be introduced to Life-Skills and attitude re-orientation, work ethics while rules of engagement are also exposed to them.
Visit the NASIMS portal today for registration.
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