Independence Day Anniversary: Be Resilient And Remain Patriotic, We Would Wax Stronger And Get Out Of It Better
I use this auspicious day to celebrate with fellow patriots, the journey to this day hasn't been easy, from October 1st 1960, the Nation has been bewildered with heaps of challenges and difficulties, our democracy has been truncated, we've fought a civil war and had to tackle terrorism.
The enemies of this Nation are within and outside, some are our blood and relation, others are alien to us, but they all have a point of convergence, they work in unison, they align forces to cheat, oppress, and milk us of our commonwealth, but in all, the Nigerian people have remained undettered, and have continued pursuing its totally emancipation.
I salute all our past heroes, leaders and nationalists that made it a possibility for us to have an unfettered Nation, a republic we can duly call our own, they may not be here but they would forever continue to live in our hearts and history would forever be kind to them.
It's understandable that all Nations faces its own challenges and difficulties, our dear country is also going through torrid times, but I assure you that we would always wax stronger and get out of it better, be resilient and remain patriotic, the future is ours to conquer.
Comrade Olajide Wolimoh.
PRP, National Youth Leader.
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